Water and Wastewater
Hanson’s engineers, planners, scientists and allied professionals can help you with your water and wastewater projects. From a water main extension to a complete wastewater treatment plant, our skilled team can meet the challenges of aging infrastructure, facility expansion or growth into new and undeveloped areas. We offer comprehensive services, working to help you achieve your goals while complying with federal, state and local environmental requirements.
PFAS mitigation measures
We can help you navigate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's regulations regarding polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by assisting public water systems (PWS) with sampling, treatment and compliance solutions and implementing mitigation measures. Mitigation can include:
- consolidating with neighboring PWSs whose sources do not have PFAS issues
- decommissioning wells or intakes that have PFAS issues
- pursuing alternative sources of supply that do not have PFAS issues
- implementing enhanced treatment technologies for finished water, including:
- adsorption through activated carbon filtration
- ion exchange utilizing a selective resin
- reverse osmosis
Hanson can also assist communities with the application process for revolving loan funds, including potential grants and principal forgiveness for the PWSs that qualify.
Our water and wastewater services
We offer a wide array of services, including:
- water and wastewater planning
- inventory and condition assessments
- flow monitoring
- system modeling and usage analysis
- projected needs analysis
- debt service calculations
- hydraulic analysis
- fire flow analysis
- corrosion studies
- master plan preparation and utility condition assessments
- water conservation plans
- drought contingency plans
- emergency preparedness plans
- updates for certificate of convenience and necessity
- NASSCO-certified sanitary sewer condition assessments
- repair recommendations for sanitary sewers, manholes and service laterals
- geographic information systems
- generating or updating maps
- asset and data management
- program management
- loan and grant applications and administration
- federal and state programs
- capital improvement program development
- impact fee analysis, updates and implementation
- budgeting assistance
- debt service calculations
- operations and maintenance assistance
- design
- new construction of sanitary and water systems
- replacement and rehabilitation of systems
- combined sewer overflow and sanitary sewer overflow control
- pump stations
- large-diameter piping
- transmission lines
- wastewater treatment facilities
- headworks
- disinfection
- process air
- membrane bioreactors and tertiary treatment
- clarification and water reuse
- water treatment
- chemical feed
- filtration
- reverse osmosis and softening
- permitting and environmental clearances
Lee Bloome, P.E.
discipline manager
(217) 788-2450, Ext. 8254