Pompano Beach Air Park master plan

Project Summary

The Pompano Beach Air Park is a key component of southern Florida's airport system, and the city of Pompano Beach selected Hanson to prepare an airport master plan update to identify, plan and program future airport development.  

The study featured the required elements of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-funded master plan, including determining airport requirements, analyzing alternatives, completing an environmental study, developing an Airport Layout Plan package, and preparing a financial plan.  

Key issues addressed in the study included:

  • landside and airside improvements that were needed and could be accomplished within the environmentally sensitive context of the airport's location,
  • a definition of future land uses for the extensive property comprising the Air Park,
  • an analysis of airport noise impacts using the FAA's Integrated Noise Model, and
  • formulation of an Airport Capital Improvements Plan (ACIP) and associated financial plan – a prioritized program to guide future airport development within the framework of the agreement reached by the city and the FAA.

Since the airport lies in a well-developed area, the public expressed concern regarding the activities conducted at the facility. To address these concerns, Hanson’s team assisted in developing a comprehensive public information component to the project. This component featured open meetings and periodic briefings to the Air Park Advisory Board and the Pompano Beach City Commission. The meetings were successful, as both the advisory board and city commission concurred with recommendations made in the updated plan.