Sept. 25, 2015
Contact: Darrel Berry, Marketing Communications Manager
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9291
Hutson-Hanson joint venture awarded $15M Navy contract for communications facilities
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The Hutson-Hanson Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture — a collaboration of Hutson & Associates Inc., a small business engineering and surveying firm based in Alton, Ill., and Hanson Professional Services Inc., a nationwide engineering firm headquartered in Springfield, Ill. — was awarded a $15 million contract to provide engineering and telecommunications services to the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) in Port Hueneme, Calif.
NAVFAC EXWC provides specialized facilities engineering, technology solutions and life-cycle management of expeditionary equipment to the Navy, Marine Corps, federal agencies and other Department of Defense supported commands. The center’s technological services support secure communications systems, including very low frequency systems.
Through this contract, the joint venture will assist with engineering, inspection and other services related to the very low frequency communications systems facilities worldwide, including buildings, towers, transmitters, communications sites and more.
“Hanson is known for providing communications engineering worldwide and has designed radio stations all over the world for the Voice of America. This contract is a great opportunity for us to help Hutson grow technically and financially as we provide these services to the U.S. Navy,” said Joan Freitag, a senior vice president at Hanson who leads the federal services market.
The Hutson-Hanson Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture was formed in 2014 to provide services to the United States government. The joint venture has been approved by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Hanson is mentoring Hutson in areas including technical services, accounting, marketing and business development. Hanson has worked with Hutson on federal projects for more than five years. The firms jointly provide geospatial services to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
“Our goal is to build new capabilities and grow our business in this unique service area,” said Sara Hutson, P.E., president of Hutson. “We are looking forward to the variety of projects and locations and the challenges they will present.”
For more information about the Hutson-Hanson Mentor-Protégé Joint Venture, contact Freitag at (217) 788-2450. Hanson’s corporate headquarters is located at 1525 S. Sixth St., Springfield, IL 62703.