Hanson receives Honor Award from ACEC of Illinois for its work on Lewi


March 1, 2010

Contact: Amy Kay, Public Relations Coordinator
Hanson Professional Services Inc.
(217) 747-9283

Hanson receives Honor Award from ACEC of Illinois for its work on Lewis University Airport

Lewis University Airport - right click and choose Save Picture As for high-res file.

OAK BROOK, Ill. — Hanson Professional Services Inc. recently received an Honor Award at the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois’ (ACEC-IL) 2010 Winter Conference for its work on the Lewis University Airport in Romeoville, Ill., owned by the Joliet Regional Port District.  Honor Awards recognize exceptional engineering projects that meet the needs of the client and benefit the public welfare, representing the highest awards classification and making the entry eligible to proceed to the national ACEC Engineering Excellence Awards competition.   

Through extensive planning, effective partnering and resourceful financing, Hanson helped the Joliet Regional Port District upgrade Lewis University Airport.  This included obtaining a Federal Aviation Administration innovative financing grant for the 6,500-foot runway land.  And as a sustainable component, free fly-ash residue from Illinois’ coal power plants was used for subgrade fill material, netting big savings.  Hanson provided architectural, engineering and project management services from 1999 through 2009 when the 6,500-foot runway was completed. To date, this runway comprises one of the largest environmental-reuse projects nationwide.

Judges for the 2010 Engineering Excellence Awards Competition were Somali Tomczak, senior manager of environmental and safety, NICOR; Tom Short, junior chief remedial response, Branch 2, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5; Paul Kovacs, P.E., chief engineer, Illinois Tollway; Susan Shea, director, Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics; Bill Gray, P.E., public works director, city of Urbana; Lisa Mattingly, administrator of professional service, Capital Development Board; and Eric Harm, P.E., deputy director, assistant chief engineer, Illinois Department of Transportation.

Hanson is a national, employee-owned consulting firm providing engineering, architecture, planning and allied services. The Chicago-area office is located at 815 Commerce Drive, Suite 200, Oak Brook, IL  60523-8750.  The office may be reached by phone:  (630) 990-3800 or fax:  (630) 990-3801.


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