Bill Bradford
Wade Conlan
Two Hanson energy, sustainability and resiliency personnel from the Orlando, Florida, regional office, discussed aspects of indoor air quality during presentations this month.
Bill Bradford, P.E., a senior vice president and Hanson’s energy, sustainability and resiliency principal, and Wade Conlan, P.E., CxA, BCxP, LEED AP® BD+C, an assistant vice president and Hanson’s commissioning and energy discipline manager, presented “Ventilation: The Balancing Act Between Indoor Environmental Quality, Energy and Decarbonization” Sept. 6 at the Florida School Plant Management Association’s conference in Orlando.
Wade joined Phil Arnold and Erik Malmstrom from SafeTraces and ASHRAE’s Bill Bahnfleth to present “Planning and Commissioning for ASHRAE Standard 241: Applying Equivalent Clean Airflow Rate in Real World Settings” for a SafeTraces webinar Sept. 13.