Airside all in one: ACRP WebResource 13 is your new best friend

Aviation is a complex and dynamic industry full of rules, regulations, standards and suggestions. When you begin your career in this fascinating yet intimidating field, you might ask yourself, “Where do I find the resources that I need?” You would likely begin with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) but quickly realize that between the various advisory circulars, orders and engineering briefs, you don’t know where to go. You may also need to research state standards through the departments of transportation or the abundance of industry organizations that publish beneficial information.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? We can help! Hanson has had the privilege of working with the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) to develop an online resource known as the ACRP WebResource 13: Airside Planning, Design, Construction, Operations, and Maintenance, which helps simplify the process of navigating FAA standards.

More than 600 resources

A convenient one-stop-shop, WebResource 13 has all things airside in one place. The site includes a wide variety of airside-related topics for aviation professionals. This online tool offers more than 600 resources from industry organizations including the FAA, International Civil Aviation Organization, departments of transportation and Airport Consultants Council. Industry professionals can use a multilayered filtering system by selecting from a variety of keywords, authors, project phases and functional areas to narrow down their searches. WebResource 13 then displays all the resources that are tagged with the filtered selections. Users also have access to an interactive airport map to select various areas on the airside, including runways, taxiways, aprons, hangars and navigational aids.

WebResource 13 provides links to the resource’s webpage to allow users to select the latest version of a document. Most resources available within the WebResource are free, so users can save PDFs for their records. However, some resources must be purchased before they become available. These are noted in the summary description, and a link directs users to the resource’s webpage for purchase.

Bookmark it!

WebResource 13 is not only a valuable tool for both young and experienced aviation consultants, but it can be beneficial to airport staff. This WebResource 13 houses hundreds of useful documents that contain our industry’s rules, regulations and standards. Every aviation professional should save WebResource 13 as an online favorite.

To access WebResource 13, visit For information about Hanson’s work on other ACRP guidebooks, visit ACRP Best Practices for Airport Obstruction Management and ACRP Guidebook for Managing Small Airports updates.

Jeff Alexander, C.M., is an aviation planner in Hanson’s Orlando, Florida, regional office. He can be reached at