The city of Corpus Christi, Texas, chose Hanson to provide a design for a new two-lane roadway along Rodd Field Road from Yorktown Boulevard to Adler Drive, with roadside ditches, sidewalks, Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant ramps and infrastructure improvements.Hanson’s design-phase services encompassed electric and communications utility coordination, construction documents, traffic control and sequencing plans, a stormwater prevention plan and quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC). Hanson also provided bidding services, permitting with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, construction administration and a maintenance guaranty inspection.

The design team designed four new T-intersections within the project limits. The streets included Yorktown Boulevard, Dunn’s Point Drive, Siberian Street and Adler Drive.



To accommodate the roadway improvements, the project team also researched acquiring a land parcel to extend the right of way between Yorktown Boulevard and Dunn’s Point Drive, which included conducting a research and boundary survey, QA/QC, utility coordination and construction documentation.

Additionally, Hanson designed a new waterline tie-in along Adler Drive to connect the new Rodd Field water improvements into the system at Dunn’s Point.

To meet new city stormwater quality requirements, Hanson implemented a low-impact development (LID) within the grass median, using a combination of erosion blankets, seeding and cross-sectional geometry to achieve the desired LID standards. A newly constructed outfall leads to a body of water that flows directly into the Corpus Christi Bay.

During construction, the project team encountered a local utility’s concerns with construction interfering with transmission lines. Hanson was able to resolve the issue by showing the utility that the project was not in close proximity to affect the transmission line foundations.