Airport business planning and management

Hanson is your partner for business planning and day-to-day airport management. We understand how airports are run and can help you to develop a business plan, including elements such as stakeholder outreach and facility assessments, identification of strategic initiatives and alternatives to meet the initiatives, development of a framework for a rebranding and marketing plan, strategies for developing aviation and non-aviation airport property and operational and feasibility assessments, including strategies for improving your airport’s bottom line.

We also specialize in developing lease negotiation strategies by updating leasing policies; developing mission and vision statements; developing strategic goals; providing best practice recommendations for management, administration, property development, operations and safety/security; creating rates and charges policy development strategies; and developing key performance indicator dashboards to help drive solid business decisions.

Our experience includes advising clients on the proper use of a public-private partnership, development of a proper business case analysis, optimization of funding sources for capital development, sell and buy side due diligence and innovative project delivery methods that help our clients optimize their public-private partnership strategies.

Furthermore, we bring an enhanced understanding of small airports, in particular, through our work to update, edit and reformat the ACRP’s Report 16: Guidebook for Managing Small Airports, which gave us the opportunity to reach out to the small-airport community nationwide and identify key issues to address or expand in the guidebook. This guidebook represents a compendium of best practices and practical advice for airport management in an easy-to-use digital format, with links to policies, regulations and best practices. The guidebook is written to target the needs of airports ranging in size from small-hub commercial service to single-runway.

Our airport business-planning practice is set up to offer our many clients extra value to our technical services. In this way, we help our clients with their capital development needs and help them improve their ability to budget their local share of capital development by optimizing their airport assets and improving their bottom line.

photo links to charles h snowden's biography page

Charles H. Snowden, AAE, CFM

Senior vice president, aviation
(904) 737-0090, ext. 4328